Marine Claims
The Claims Procedure
If the unthinkable happens and you need to claim, we can provide you with information on your Insurer's claims procedure. An insurance claim invokes the relevant sections of the contract between you, the Insured and the Insurer. We are not a party to that contract and the settlement will be determined by the Insurer. That's why we encourage you to select A rated Insurers who have a history of settling claims promptly and fairly (see FAQs).
The Insurer will usually appoint a local Loss Adjuster (Assessor) to investigate large claims and those where the cause of the incident leading to the claim is difficult to determine. The Loss Adjuster will gather information including quotes for repairs and will report to the Insurer. This information gathering phase may take days or even weeks and is often the most difficult time for you, the Insured. Marine Insurer are now usung loss adjustors more frequently than in the past.
Your Duty of Disclosure and Care
Disclosure of all material facts to your Insurer will help smooth the claims process. Any payout will be determined, at least in part, by the information the Insurer has on file. When your circumstances change advise us and we will pass the information to your Insurer. Examples of a few common changes that should be recorded are:
- A decision to take your vessel outside the agreed geographical boundaries
- Changes to your Blue Water crew
- The purchase of a new tender and/or outboard motor and/or other equipment
- The decision to lay up your vessel for maintenance or sale etc.
It is important to remember that you have a responsibility to keep your vessel well maintained and in a seaworthy condition. Insurers may decline a claim if the vessel is found to be neglected or poorly maintained.
Take all necessary steps to prevent further damage. Secure contact details of any third party and/or witness. As soon as you are able, contact us and we will send you the relevant claim form. Report to the police any burglary, theft or malicious act.
Do not incur any expense settling loss or damage rights, other than what it takes to minimize damage. Do not consent to pay, settle or decline any claim and do not admit responsibility or liability. Leave that to the Insurer.
In the event of a claim Insurers will require
- Do everything you can to minimise the damage
- Gather contact details of third parties and witnesses
- Take photos of any damage
- Report to the police any burglary, theft or malicious damage
- Contact us as soon as possible, we will send a claim form
- Complete and return the form
- In the case of a large or complex claim a Loss Adjuster (Assessor) will be appointed
- The Loss Adjuster will collect information including estimates for repairs and report to the Insurer
- If no Loss Adjuster is appointed you will need to obtain estimates for the cost of repairs
- Once the claim is accepted, repairs can commence
- You will need to pay your deductible (excess) at this time
- When the claim is settled you will need to sign a form of discharge that will be provided by the Insurer